Artificial Tree and Poinsettias
DIY Christmas Times

Artificial Tree and Poinsettias

How Artificial Trees are Revolutionizing Holiday Decor

Did you know that many people like to decorate their artificial trees in a way that is going to be something that is going to make everyone think of Christmas? For this reason, many people use fake poinsettias throughout their artificial trees. You will find that this can be an easy way to decorate your artificial tree while also making it super Christmas! The key to making the poinsettia look great on your artificial tree is to make the poinsettia the center focal point of the tree.

To make this flower the focal point of the artificial tree, be sure that you are using enough of these throughout the tree, and then that the other decor is going to compliment the flower rather than distract from their beauty. We do suggest that you come up with a poinsettia tree topper to really make this stand out on your artificial tree. You will find that with a little work you can make your artificial tree look amazing.

Once you are done decorating your artificial christmas tree, we do suggest that you bring the poinsettia theme to life even more by ensuring that you place some of these around your home. The problem that many people have is that they cannot get these poinsettias to live very long. This is a tropical flower thus, it does not like cold. Those who put these into their home will find that you do not want the temperature to drop lower than the fifties, other the flower is not going to tolerate this at all. Here are some other care tips that you can use to ensure that your poinsettias stay alive and well, complimenting your artificial tree.

Discover the Magic of Poinsettias: A Festive Favorite

1. Don’t let the plant sit in water

2. Only water the flower when the soil surface is dry to the touch — over-watering is what happens to a lot of these flowers

3. Indirect sunlight is the best for the flower

4. If you prune and fertilize this, you can make this last into the next Christmas season. While many people look at these as throw-away plants, there are just as many people who are going to be able to get this to live year after year with the proper care.

Also, for those that have pets, remember that if they do bother your poinsettia plants and they were to ingest these, this could lead to some stomach trouble. They are considered dangerous for pets but not seriously toxic — very similar to other houseplants that you may have in your home.

The key to decorating with poinsettias is to highlight these beautiful Christmas flowers throughout your home and in other decor. For example, get napkins and plates that have these poinsettias on them, and use these during your holiday gatherings. You will find that it is these little things that make all the difference in not only highlighting how your artificial tree is decorated but helping you to get the theme to come to life in your house.